

Message from director

Contribution to the society on which a temperature control professional works

OSAKA REIKEN has contributed to society in the various manufacturing fields with heat management technology provided by temperature control since its establishment.

Especially, in recent years, our technology and know-how of the resin solid state polymerization in the PET recycling industry is highly appreciated from various fields, and we feel proud that we contribute to the global reduction of environmental load.

Moreover, our heat management technology and know-how accumulated over the years is of excellent unrivaled level, and has been highly appreciated widely not only in Japan but also foreign countries.

Our products that can be said to be the realization of its technical capabilities has greatly supported, backed by the excellent accuracy and stability.

For the global environment, especially global warming countermeasures are required, as a corporation that can support both sides of ecology and technology, we will consider responses to user needs in a global perspective.

By all means please expect our technological development and our proposal for the future.

Yoshiki Kanaoka
Representative Director

Company Profile

Company Name
in 1970
Representative Director
Yoshiki Kanaoka
Company Profile
Company Profile PDF(3.5MB)
  • PET Dryer Systems
  • PET Crystallizer Systems
  • PET Solid State Polymerization Systems
  • PET Injection Molding Chiller Units
  • PET Blow Molding Temperature Control Units
  • Roll Temperature Control Units for Extruder
  • Mold Chiller Units for High Cycle Injection Molding
  • Mold Temperature Control Units
  • Mold Dehumidifier Units.
  • EV/HEV Evaluation Systems for Heat Shock
  • Other Customized Temperature Control Units

Company policy

  1. Customers provide us with work.
  2. Our suppliers sell products to us.
  3. Partners from cooperating companies provide the value of their work.
  4. Employees work for the benefit of everyone.

We aim to cultivate a corporate culture that approaches everything with gratitude and a humble attitude.
We strive to create a company where everyone possesses a compassionate heart, collaborates with each other, and works towards becoming a company that people can proudly say they are glad to be a part of.

Corporate philosophy

1. Be humble. 2. Be sincere. 3. Be grateful. 4. Always embrace challenges. 5. Persevere in everything. 6. Have high aspirations. 7. Maintain good health.

Management Policies

  1. Clarification of Goals and Cultivation of Organizational Culture:
    Incorporate SDGs into the company's vision and mission statement, and share them with all employees. Foster a corporate culture based on SDGs and reflect it in the awareness and actions of employees.
  2. Formulation of Strategic Plans:
    Align the company's business activities with SDGs and identify priority areas. Set specific short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals and measure progress.
  3. Promotion of Innovation:
    Drive the development of new products and services based on SDGs, and enhance existing business practices. Actively introduce environmentally friendly technologies and processes.
  4. Sustainability of the Supply Chain:
    Implement sustainable procurement across the entire supply chain and encourage suppliers to align with SDGs. Introduce measures that improve working conditions and consider environmental protection.
  5. Transparency and Reporting:
    Regularly report on activities and achievements related to SDGs to ensure transparency. Proactively communicate with external stakeholders to build trust.
  6. Employee Engagement and Education:
    Conduct educational programs on SDGs to enhance employees' knowledge and awareness. Provide opportunities for employees to contribute to SDGs and encourage active participation.
  7. Collaboration with the Local Community:
    Collaborate with the local community to drive joint projects aimed at achieving SDGs. Engage in social contribution activities that meet the needs of the local community.
  8. Continuous Improvement:
    Regularly evaluate the outcomes of initiatives based on SDGs and implement corrective measures. Through continuous improvement, set higher goals and aim for sustainable growth.

By implementing these policies, we can contribute to achieving SDGs while building a sustainable business model.

Code of Conduct

Our company outlines the following principles as a code of conduct for the actions of both individuals and the entire organization:

  1. Integrity and Fairness:
    Practice sincere and fair conduct, adhering to ethical standards. Respect the truth and promote just and fair decision-making.
  2. Collaboration and Teamwork:
    Emphasize collaboration and teamwork, working with members from diverse backgrounds and skills to achieve common goals. Respect each other, provide assistance, and share in success.
  3. Customer-Centric Approach:
    Prioritize responsiveness to customer needs and expectations, dedicating ourselves to improving the quality of services and products. Build and maintain trust with customers.
  4. Innovation and Creativity:
    Continuously pursue improvement, encouraging innovation and creativity. Actively welcome new ideas, challenges, and foster a culture of growth.
  5. Responsibility and Trust:
    Each individual understands their responsibility and engages in trustworthy behavior. Keep promises and fulfill responsibilities towards other team members.
  6. Diversity and Inclusion:
    Respect diversity, foster an open environment accepting different opinions and backgrounds. Build an inclusive culture, respecting individual diversity.
  7. Learning and Growth:
    Encourage continuous learning and growth, viewing mistakes and failures as opportunities to learn. Constantly strive for self-improvement and share knowledge and skills.
  8. Social Responsibility:
    Acknowledge responsibility towards the local community and the environment. Engage in sustainable business practices while considering social impacts.

These guiding principles are based on our company's mission and values, with the expectation that they are shared and practiced throughout the entire organization.

Quality Policy

Our company emphasizes comprehensive quality management, including the improvement of customer satisfaction, and adheres to the following principles in formulating our quality policy:

  1. Pursuit of Customer Satisfaction:
    We prioritize meeting customer expectations and building trust, striving for the improvement of product and service quality.
  2. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations:
    We strictly adhere to all laws and regulations related to the provision of products and services, ensuring the quality of our products through compliance.
  3. Sustainable Improvement:
    We promote the efficiency enhancement of quality management processes and continuous improvement in quality.
    All employees share responsibility for quality.
  4. Employee Development and Participation:
    We foster an environment where employees understand quality objectives and can contribute to quality improvement.
    Active participation is encouraged.
  5. Environmental Consideration:
    In providing products and services, we actively work towards minimizing environmental impact and considering environmental sustainability.
  6. Building Collaborative Relationships:
    We collaborate with suppliers and partners to achieve common quality goals through cooperation.
  7. Transparency and Communication of Information:
    Information regarding quality is provided to stakeholders through transparent and honest communication, building trust with takeholders.

This policy is made to be shared and understood throughout the organization, with continuous review and improvement as our commitment.

Environmental Declaration

Our company, understanding its responsibility to the environment, declares the following principles as our environmental statement:

  1. Sustainable Operations:
    Minimize the impact on the natural environment in the operation of our organization and fulfill our responsibility to future generations.
  2. Compliance with Environmental Laws:
    Strictly adhere to relevant environmental laws and regulations, fulfilling our legal responsibility to the environment.
  3. Improvement of Energy Efficiency:
    Promote the efficient use of energy to reduce the environmental burden.
  4. Advancement of Renewable Energy:
    Encourage the adoption of renewable energy to reduce dependence on environmentally impactful sources.
  5. Waste Reduction and Recycling:
    Minimize waste and promote recycling wherever possible to ensure effective use of resources.
  6. Environmental Consideration in the Supply Chain:
    Promote environmental considerations throughout the supply chain, exercising leadership in environmental responsibility.
  7. Environmental Education and Communication:
    Raise awareness about the environment among employees and stakeholders, disclose information, and ensure transparency.
  8. Continuous Improvement:
    Conduct continuous assessment and improvement in environmental initiatives, striving for efforts toward a sustainable future.

This declaration is made to be shared and understood throughout the organization, with ongoing reviews and improvements as our commitment.

Green Procurement Policy

  1. Introduction
    Our company is committed to promoting the procurement of environmentally friendly products and services to achieve a sustainable society. This policy outlines the basic principles for conducting green procurement, which we will practice in collaboration with all our business partners.
  2. Policy Objectives
    • Reducing Environmental Impact: Minimize environmental impact throughout the product and service life cycle.
    • Efficient Use of Resources: Promote the use of renewable and recycled resources.
    • Sustainable Procurement: Contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through environmentally conscious procurement activities.
  3. Policy Content
      • Reducing Environmental Impact
      • Select and purchase environmentally friendly products and services.
      • Evaluate and reduce environmental impact throughout the entire product life cycle.
      • Efficient Use of Resources
      • Prioritize the use of renewable and recycled resources.
      • Promote efficient use of resources and reduce waste.
      • Sustainable Procurement
      • Evaluate and select environmentally conscious business partners.
      • Promote environmental improvement activities through cooperation with business partners.
      • Compliance with Laws and Regulations
      • Comply with environmental laws, regulations, and standards.
      • Strengthen the environmental management system through continuous improvement.
      • Employee Education and Awareness
      • Conduct environmental education for employees to raise awareness.
      • Ensure that the importance of green procurement is understood by all employees.
  4. Scope of Application
    This policy applies to all business activities and all business partners of our company.
  5. Audit and Review
    We will regularly audit the implementation status of this policy and make improvements as necessary. Additionally, we will periodically review the achievement of environmental goals and reassess the appropriateness of the green procurement policy.


Headquarters and Plants

1-7-18, Yoshita-Honmachi, Higashi-Osaka, Osaka 578-0982, Japan
+81 729 650 040
+81 729 656 921
Headquarters and Plants

Tokyo Office

Yamashita building 1-23-2,Hamamatsu-cho,Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0013, Japan
Tokyo Office

Narayama R&D Centre

Narayama Research Park 6-6-5, Sakyo, Nara-city Nara 631-0801, Japan
Narayama R&D Centre